Keri Anderson Healy

“Well done! This is the book I’ve been wanting for years. Now people can truly apply SBVR for real-world problems.”

Gladys S.W. Lam

“You need precision and consistency in every business communication. The more you focus on it, the more you will see the value of the techniques presented in this book.”

Ramsay Millar

“Excellent subject, well written, very timely book. … a strong contribution to a missing dimension for business architects.”

David Lyalin

“An extremely valuable book for practitioners of business analysis. Excellent presentation of such a complex subject matter as concept modeling by a towering thought leader. I only wish I had had the chance to read such a book at a much earlier stage of my...

Robert Dizinno

“A solid guide. Concept models are essential for creating the building blocks of the Knowledge Age. Welcome to the future!”