Our Learn-By-Doing program is designed to pair Business Rule Solutions [BRS] consultants with internal staff to conduct live demonstration project work. Using a select subset of the business area, BRS consultants show how to convert business ideas, documents and policies to business rule statements and decision tables. Short tutorial sessions are embedded at strategic points to ensure participants understand the relevant tasks and techniques. Our goal in this hands-on approach is to enable your staff to effectively initiate and conduct the project work immediately after the sessions.
BRS’ Goals for This Engagement
- Capture, analyze and organize business strategy, business rules, business decisions and business requirements in the scoped area;
- Provide the methodology and technique for developing and documenting the business rules; and
- Provide knowledge transfer.
BRS Will Work With Your Staff
- Develop a consistent set of business vocabulary for use to specify business rules;
- Harvest business rules from all relevant documentation;
- Facilitate sessions involving Subject Matter Experts to create a comprehensive of business strategy, business process, business rules and business requirements for the scoped area;
- Conduct one-on-one interviews to review, confirm, and validate all deliverables;
- Specify business rules in a structured format using international recognized RuleSpeak and decision tables;
- Analyze business rules to identify conflicts and duplications; and
- Organize all business rules for easy management.
Provide These Deliverables:
- Clear definitions for all business terms and concepts needed to support the business rules;
- Detailed business rules required to make decisions and to guide and/or control business processes. These rules may or may not be automated. These rules will be documented following BRS RuleSpeak™ guidelines or comprehensive decision table structure. These guidelines provide a basis for future rule management activities;
- A Concept Model to show the relationship between these terms and concepts;
- A Strategy Model using our Policy Charter technique;
- A Process Model with description of each activities; and
- Business requirements based on business strategy, business process and business rules.

I found the course interesting and will be helpful. Your work has been one of the foundations of my success in our shared passion for data integration. It has had a huge impact on innumerable people!
Rand Losey – Knowledge Engineers Limited, LLP
I like the pragmatic reality you discuss, while a rule tool would be great, recognizing many people will use Word/Excel to capture them helps. We can’t jump from crazy to perfect in one leap! Use of the polls is also great. Helps see how everyone else is doing (we are not alone), and helps us think about our current state.”
Trevor – Investors Group
Jason Smith, 5S Technology
...Jeanine Bradley – Railinc
...Trevor – Investors Group
...Rand Losey – Knowledge Engineers Limited, LLP
...Janell – Texas State University
...Jeanine Bradley – Railinc
...Rand Losey – Knowledge Engineers Limited, LLP
...Nicole Clare Jesserer, Agile Practitioner
Let's Connect!
For more information regarding pricing and requirements,
please contact:
Gladys Lam
(281) 217-9878