Ron Ross and Gladys Lam are Principals and Co-Founders of Business Rule Solutions, world renown authority in applied knowledge techniques. This training draws upon all its extensive research and 22+ years of practical experience and building solutions for Fortune 1000 companies all over the world, as well as government organizations in the Netherlands, Australia, UK, New Zealand, Canada and US. We have literally packed all the most useful techniques from our complete 10-day training program and reduced it to the 6 segments in this special online training package.
About Our World-Class Instructor
Our session leader for this training is a superb instructor. Equally important, she has literally spent 1000s of hours working on projects actually applying these knowledge-oriented techniques. Bring questions about your projects to the training. You'll find her practical experience invaluable.
What Attendees Have Said
“Eye opening! Everything I was looking for in a workshop.”
“Great real-life examples!”
“I will be able to immediately put into practice much of what I learned.”
“By far the best training I’ve attended!”
“Dynamic speaker, great energy, kept me engaged.”
“Fantastic content and very applicable.”
“Kept things very relevant using examples from daily experience.”
only $850 per online seat.
What This Training Is About
Having problems getting your stakeholders to give you what you need for your project? Looking for a systematic way to ask for it? Frustrated by disorganized, ill-focused requirements? Perhaps you are capturing a lot of what stakeholders say, but have no way to guide them toward an effective business solution.
Analyzing business rules as an integrated part of your approach will give you a fresh way to develop solutions that provide competitive advantage.
This seminar equips you with proven techniques to create a robust business solution. Here’s how you can add real value to your business in undertaking any project.
This training shows you how to achieve:
- Smart business processes. Build lean, agile, effective processes by extracting rules and managing them separately.
- Consistent behavior. Capture and specify rules to ensure compliance and appropriate business behavior.
- Shared understanding. Ensure clarity of thinking and communication by ensuring business vocabulary is well defined and fully understood.
- Reliable decisions. Analyze operational decisions, break down their complexity into manageable parts, and lay-out business-friendly decision tables.
- World-class requirements. Distill requirements traceably from a business solution, rather than treating them as an artifact on their own.
Do you truly understand the difference between business rules and business requirements? Do you know how each sharpens and complements the other? Take your skills to the next level of capability. This training brings you a world-class blend of highly successful client work coupled with the deepest experience and leadership in the industry.
only $850 per online seat.
Learning Objectives …
- Elevate your analysis skills from gathering requirements to creating business solutions
- Dramatically improve communication and engagement with business stakeholders
- Use pragmatic techniques to maintain a continuing focus on the business value of your project
- Build truly agile business processes
Who Is It For?
Business analysts, business architects, product owners, and others seeking fresh ideas and proven techniques to develop highly effective business solutions and top-notch requirements.
only $850 per online seat.
Segment 1
What Business Rules Are About
- Why business rules
- What business rules are, and are not
- What benefits you can achieve
- Business rules vs business processes
- Focal areas of business rules
- Skills needed to capture business rules effectively
Segment 2
Sharpening Business Processes & Requirements
- The role of business processes
- The role of business rules and decisions
- Business processes vs. business rules
- Business vocabulary and business rules
- Behavioral vs. decision rules
- Business processes vs. requirements
- Business rules vs. requirements
- Creating understandable, business-based requirements
- Class Exercises
Segment 3
Developing the Business Vocabulary
- Business impact of vocabulary misalignment
- Analyzing concepts
- Guidelines for definitions
- Creating a concept model
- Standardizing the base business vocabulary
- Removing ambiguity from business rules and business requirements
- Class Exercises
Segment 4
Capturing Business Rules
- Basic principles for rule analysis
- Rules vs. facts
- From policy and governance to deployable rules
- Traceability for business – not just IT
- 8 steps to capture business rules from people’s heads, documentation and application code
- Using facilitated sessions
- Do’s and don’ts
Segment 5
Expressing Your Business Rules
- What not to do in writing business rule statements
- How to spot a business rule in a large document
- 8 steps for writing high-quality business rules
- How to apply RuleSpeak® guidelines to think clearly about each business rule
- Class Exercises
Segment 6
Developing Decision Structures & Decision Tables
- Diagramming decision structures (Q-Charts™)
- Questions, considerations, outcomes, and exceptions (Q-COEs)
- 8 steps to setting up decision tables
- Decision tables and business process models
- Decision tables and business vocabulary
- Decision table formats
- Completeness, subsumption and conflicts
- Class Exercises